Introduction - I'm Not This Body!
Isn't that an interesting perspective? Let's stay away from any religious overtones, or undertones for that matter, while we explore what this fundamental understanding of life means. Let's also stay away from the other viewpoint that some call "science" in this day and age. After all, neither one of these views has been very successful in answering the questions human beings have been asking since time immemorial: what is the meaning of life? I say "human beings" not because they are the only living beings in the universe that matter but that this question is what separates humans from all other living entities on the actual, spiritual evolutionary path.
There were ancient cultures of this planet (and others, as well) that had a thorough understanding and social structure based upon this universal science of the constitutional position of the living entity. Of course, "living entities" might mean different things to different so-called intelligent people. Most scientists of the current age are so blinded by the very limited understanding and teachings of Darwinism that they can't even see the spiritual dimension nor accept sound philosophy and reason and they just become mental speculators. The so-called religious experts are so wrapped up in sectarianism and faith-based rituals and also reject sound philosophy and reason that they become sentimentalists or worse, fanatics.
Scientific Darwinism
Religious Sectarianism
Everyone on either side of these perspectives are basically unaware and ignorant, or at the very least forgetful, of the fact that they are not this body! All of these "isms" and many, many others fade into oblivion from the Not This Body (NTB) perspective.
There were ancient cultures of this planet (and others, as well) that had a thorough understanding and social structure based upon this universal science of the constitutional position of the living entity. Of course, "living entities" might mean different things to different so-called intelligent people. Most scientists of the current age are so blinded by the very limited understanding and teachings of Darwinism that they can't even see the spiritual dimension nor accept sound philosophy and reason and they just become mental speculators. The so-called religious experts are so wrapped up in sectarianism and faith-based rituals and also reject sound philosophy and reason that they become sentimentalists or worse, fanatics.
Scientific Darwinism
Religious Sectarianism
Everyone on either side of these perspectives are basically unaware and ignorant, or at the very least forgetful, of the fact that they are not this body! All of these "isms" and many, many others fade into oblivion from the Not This Body (NTB) perspective.