
It was a great relief to discover that I'm not this body. Unfortunately, it took 20 years of my life before I started asking the questions that led me to at least begin to understand this perspective on life. And I haven't gotten very far in my realization of this lofty perspective because, like anyone else, I still have a hard time dealing with those things that are very much a part of this body, like disease and old age and knowing that I'm going to die...and then have to take another birth - but that's another post on this blog. I'm also really getting sick and tired of the everyday struggles in life that I bring upon myself because I constantly forget that I'm not this body.

Anyway, I know I am not a mystic or metaphysical genius—and certainly no saint!—I am just a "normal" American guy. But I do know that I'd really like to find some straight answers about the way things are goin' on around this universe. I guess I'll just start throwing out some of the questions that I've had for a long time and share some of the answers I have found and explore my perspectives to see if it might help make some sense of this thing we call Life.